The Makings of a Good Manager

The Makings of a Good Manager

The big question has often been asked: What identifies a good manager? Does a good manager use his charisma to make people follow him? Does he have to flaunt an overpowering personality and use it to have things done? Is a good manager simply empathetic? Of course, in the era where many are obsessed with matters efficiency while being advocates of practices that are employee-friendly, it's crucial for a manager to develop the necessary skills and perfect personality. But what does this really mean? There's no question about it- history has-over time- proven that many organizations do well under good managers. Certainly, every ship needs a good captain. Without it, the crew is always at risk; it may run into one iceberg after another. As Paul Glen said: "A great manager derives satisfaction from doing everything to help others- he wants to make others productive. He isn't interested as much in making every person be the most effective in the room.

A successful manager doesn't merely do everything himself. He doesn't just carry the team together. No, a successful manager enables his team members to do more. Hence, a good manager masters the art of making challenges so interesting and solutions so constructive that every team member is eager to get to work and face the challenge. In the same vein, a great manager doesn't intimidate others. Instead, he inspires and motivates the team to accomplish its goals; yes, a great manager lights a fire inside the people- not under them. As such, as John C Maxwell said: Leadership isn't all about positions, titles and flowcharts; it's about a life influencing another. So, good management is much more than hierarchy and skills development; a great manager focuses on how he uses his talents and privileges to make a difference in his company.

Obviously, a great manager needs to develop a complex cocktail of qualities. These range from identifying latent potential to striving to be understanding towards all team members. In this context, a great manager is a great leader. He doesn't merely motivate, inspire, and coach everyone towards success-he provides constructive feedback, mentors, supports, and offers resources to help them meet their obligations. A good manager always considers the best interests of those under them. They always operate transparently and are ever ready to help a team member complete a task he may be struggling with.

Good managers are empathetic. This also means a good manager isn't emotionally distant or indifferent to the subordinate's feelings. Indeed, this can be one of the worst traits of a manager. This can negatively impact the employees' experience and hamper retention. It's unfortunate that many employees never get the necessary support from their managers. A recent study notably revealed that about 96% of employees felt they highly appreciate when their employers display sympathetic qualities. In response, a good manager should keenly focus on trying to understand the day-to-day tasks that each employee is assigned. He should strive to understand the crucial pain points that prevent employees from performing their best. He needs to cultivate a culture and work environment that allows the employees to work more comfortably, openly, and efficiently.

Moreover, great managers are highly skilled in the art of delegating tasks. They have a knack for identifying latent potential within their subordinate teams. A good manager uses such talents to their advantage; he delegates the tasks and splits responsibilities as necessary. Thus, such a manager helps the employees attain maximum productivity. He helps them derive satisfaction with their performance.

Since being a good manager requires the development of problem-solving skills, a great manager also needs to develop high emotional intelligence. He must be able to demonstrate great understanding and relate empathetically to other's emotions. This further means a successful manager must monitor and control his own emotions. This is what helps him diffuse explosive situations, resolve conflicts involving the employees and lead his team out of a slump.

Overall, a good manager should be knowledgeable; he must demonstrate a keen understanding of what is involved in executing his tasks- he must be knowledgeable about the industry dynamics. He must be open to learning new skills and consuming knowledge that helps them become better managers. Overall, great managers try to capitalize on the team members' strengths; they try to enable their employees to do everything according to their individual abilities.